Key information

  • 60 days to start the return process.
  • There is no restocking fee.
  • The refund process takes 14 days.
  • The customer is responsible for all return shipping costs.

Return Process

Contact us within 60 days at  with your order number and the items you wish to return. We will send you detailed instructions including the address for returning the items.

Return Conditions

  • All items must be returned in their original sale condition, unworn, unwashed, or unaltered, with all tags attached.
  • All items must be returned with their original packaging.

Damaged and Defective Products

If your item is damaged or defective, please contact us immediately, and we will work with you. Damaged or defective items will be replaced. To return damaged or incorrect items, please follow these steps:

  • Contact our customer service team via email at
  • Provide a photo along with a description of the damaged or incorrect item and the order number associated with the item.


Once your return is received, we will email you to notify you that we have received your return. We will also inform you about the approval or denial of your refund. If approved, your refund will be processed, and a credit will automatically be applied to your credit card or original payment method within 14 days.


Have you changed your mind or made a mistake and want to cancel your order? No problem! If you want to cancel your order, please email us as soon as possible after your order has been placed. If you contact us too late, you will have to proceed to the return process because orders that are already processed cannot be cancelled.


If you want to exchange an item that you are not satisfied with, is incorrect or damaged, please contact us at

Customer service contact

  • Email: